HPL - Operoo discussion panel_ Developing High Performance School Culture

Webinar Recording:

High Performance School Culture:
5 Best Practices

Identifying common attributes of high-performing schools as well as the frameworks and solutions for success

Download presentation slides HERE >

With the complexities thrust upon the education system by COVID-19, empowering your teachers, and developing your leaders — to respond dynamically and find innovative ways to maintain and facilitate exceptional learning outcomes — is more important than ever before.
Watch this on-demand webinar as our panel of senior education experts discuss how to create and follow processes and practices that support five key drivers for fostering high performance school cultures.

About The Webinar

Why watch?

Listen-in as fellow education leaders discuss the strategies, tactics and solutions for creating high performance cultures by outlining ways to improve practices and processes in five key areas:

1. Culture and performance
(fulfilment and motivation)

Educators are happiest and at their best when they’re doing what they love — teaching. In fact, “endless admin and less actual teaching” are cited as some of the fundamental reasons behind educators exiting the profession.

The latest iteration of the OECD’s global Teaching and Learning International Survey found that educators in the UK, and across the developed world, are working longer hours than ever before. An increasing amount of time spent on non-teaching tasks was cited as a key contributor to that trend, with ‘skyrocketing administrative requirements’ a primary culprit.

How can we create school environments, which enable teachers to spend more time teaching?

Teacher Performance
Learning Outcomes

2. Focus on learning outcomes
(not teaching content)

Resource constraints are omnipresent factors in the operation of any school and day-to-day lives of educators — be it funding or time. Empowering staff to focus on learning outcomes and results, rather than completing tasks or covering content, is paramount to deliver impactful lessons under any circumstances.

Research by the University of Toronto describes focussing on delivering learning outcomes as an “emphasis on the application and integration of knowledge. Instead of focusing on coverage of material, learning outcomes articulate how students will be able to employ the material, both in the context of the class and more broadly. Think first about what is essential that students know, or be able to do, after the class, course or program.”

How do we shift the focus from covering content to achieving learning outcomes?

3. Parent engagement

Research shows that one of the most effective ways to create a focused and supportive learning environment is to ensure parents are fully-engaged members of your school community.

In fact, waterford.org (a school readiness modelling project, led by Dr Dustin Heuston based out of the US) conducted a review of the literature regarding academic research into education learning, which states that: ‘Across fifty different studies on parental engagement, educational researchers found a connection between family involvement and academic achievement.’

Now  given the well-established links between parent engagement and student achievement  what are some of the best methods, channels and solutions school leaders should be deploying in 2020 to ensure parents are fully-engaged?

Parent engagement
Continuous feedback

4. Continuous feedback

To enable your school to foster a culture of continuous improvement, you need to adopt methods for gathering and then implementing regular feedback from key stakeholders — parents, students and staff.

Unsurprisingly, an academic study cited by the UK’s University of Reading states that ‘feedback is more strongly and consistently related to achievement than any other teaching behaviour… this relationship is consistent regardless of grade, socioeconomic status, race, or school setting.’

So what methods and systems do you need to adopt to implement regular feedback?

5. Access and equity
for all learners

To create an environment where every student is viewed as a potential high-achiever, you need to adopt practices that ensure students have equitable opportunities to excel.

For example, the Department of Education in Victoria, Australia, has a framework called HITS; or High Impact Teaching Strategies. One of those 10 instructional practices outlined is ‘Differentiated Teaching’. Here, differentiated teaching is defined as “methods teachers use to extend the knowledge and skills of every student in every class, regardless of their starting point. The objective is to lift the performance of all students“.

So what does equity and access actually look like in practice?

Access and equity  for all learners

More on Operoo, HPL and this Webinar

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About Operoo (formerly CareMonkey)

Operoo is a School Operations and Productivity Platform.

Operoo is helping thousands of schools and other organisations around the world to eliminate slow, expensive and repetitive paper-based tasks. Operoo empowers schools to save time and resources by automating operational workflows, increasing staff productivity, parental engagement and student participation.

Streamline and digitise any school process, drastically reducing the associated costs: From permission forms, payments, and school trips; to medical information and emergency contacts, incident reporting, staff agreements, student onboarding and more. And, effectively communicate with staff, parents and your whole school community in over 100 languages with Operoo’s multi-language capability.

With Operoo, ensure every pound and every minute possible is focused on students, rather than wasting resources on operational inefficiencies.

For more information, visit www.operoo.com

About High Performance Learning (HPL)

High Performance Learning (HPL) philosophy is research based, with the expectation that every student is a potential high performer. Its unique teaching and learning framework systematically recalibrates the school and enables students to develop the cognitive skills, values, attitudes and attributes needed for high academic performance and lifetime success.

The approach optimises the pedagogical practice of classroom teachers and leads to a significant uplift in student and school outcomes.

For more information, visit www.highperformancelearning.co.uk